I wanted you, my love,
I did not want to live without you.
Aaaa Aaaaa….
I wanted you to love me, spend your time with me, please, oh love, oh my love.
Let us become one, one person, one person before the law, one person before God.
Aaaa Aaaaa….
Wonderful you seemed to me, my dearest! For me, there seemed no greater love than your love.
With you I would be free. Let’s be free together. So free as true love can be.
My love! My love!
I loved you with my heart.
Now I know. You were my prison.
Now I know you were my prison,
I only wanted to be free, free as it can be! As truthful love can be. As free as it can be!
Oh, oh, oh, So many years of only cigarettes and fuck.
Oh, oh, oh, so many years, oh my God!
Art Concept and Commentary
The song is about a woman seeking freedom in love. She wants truthful love but she is bound to the constraints of a church organization and its religion whereby in the beginning she does not realize her (mental/spiritual) prison. Only in the end of the song, she sings then “so many years of only cigarettes and fuck, oh my God”.
The unusual thing in the case described is that the woman recognizes the connections without a child having been born. Normally, it only becomes clear to her when a new child was born. The point is that there is a serious conflict between the patriarchal network of the man (potential husband) and that of her father, which can hardly be overcome. Being a mother means mediating well between two patriarchal networks (that of her husband and that of her father) for the benefit of the child. If the woman cannot do this because the conflict is too great, she is regularly put under pressure and controlled by both parties, which is ultimately tantamount to a "prison".
A God relates to certain assumptions about good and evil that are maintained and orchestrated through a religion and its church organization.
Through love, at least two persons unite, finding common ground through a shared group consciousness. With such a group consciousness and having at least two brains working together, those involved can grasp and understand larger societal contexts and dynamics better than the more isolated individual.
This shared consciousness enables them to assert their will in society better to achieve their goals.
Interestingly, love requires a minimum of freedom which requires a minimum of material wealth. A minimum of material wealth is required to symbolize the basis of the union, to make it tangible and memorable.
Love needs the presence of symbols that promote a certain group consciousness, as everything that can be expressed in symbols can (potentially) become conscious to a human being. Love is not possible without having a minimum of shared consciousness among the ones who are to celebrate love (among each other).
In terms of the Biblical Adam, the first “valuable” material wealth of Adam and Eve was the fruit from the forbidden tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Sometimes it is a good idea to share the material wealth equally among the group members (at least if the organization is a family).
Someone has freedom if they have the privilege of spare time they can freely invest in matters of the heart. If they can afford to spend time with others, elaborating freely on certain symbols and developing beliefs and human connections dear to them, they must have sufficient funds to do so.
The purpose of sex is ultimately procreation, the creation of children and thus the creation of an organization, a family, which should guarantee sure and stable love in the long run.
However, sustaining a family with children requires sufficient material wealth.
A church now ensures that the families and the love are directed and aligned in specific ways. Everyone is to be guided by the beliefs in such a way that they align their goals and desires with the (material) center of the belief system (the religion), which benefits the church in the long run. The individual loses some freedom.
Love is tolerance and inclusiveness, and the person whom a people can imagine with the greatest inclusiveness is God. However, the diversity of assumptions about good and evil that can be maintained, upheld and allowed in a church organization and its religion is very limited. Any dominant larger organization needs a sufficient governance structure to allow effective leadership. The directions and boundaries must remain consistent and clear. The assumptions about good and evil must remain consistent and natural, or a healthy and rational way of thinking is no longer possible. The human mind must be sufficiently balanced in what it contains internally in conflict and that which it presents externally. What a human person can bear of conflict is very limited; it usually ends where strong contradiction begins.
Thus, love and diversity in beliefs are limited by a church organization. A church organization reduces family bonding opportunities. One can no longer freely love and marry without conflicting with the church and its religion.
To repeat: Diversity in love is restricted by a church and its religion.
As mentioned before, if a member in the domain of a church conflicts too much with the religion of the church, the clergy will provide a measure of the one who is different and possibly innovative. With the help of religion, larger social dynamics are initiated and maintained to eradicate those who think differently.
If regular approaches to conversion are ineffective or not fast enough, it can degenerate into murder and death. The church could provide for warlike confrontation.
Most Christian churches seek unification; they want everyone to become "one." They want to create a body of Christ that encompasses all of humanity. They want to form a global kingdom from one people with one language. The whole thing is most clearly grounded in the doctrine that even God became a child, born as a human through Jesus as a baby.
It ultimately leads to a society homogeneous in beliefs, where all are equal and the same. The others would no longer be. Everyone would be able to love everyone, but only in a limited way. Diversity in love would no longer exist, and no one would be able to understand the relative difference between good and evil.
All in all, it would be a condition and a world that could not survive on its own. It would be the end of mankind, of Homo Sapiens, because without diversity (in beliefs) (human) life is not sustainable.