The day your heart beats the first time,
This day you can feel yourself with the world.
Feel with me, in the light of the dawn, Feel with me, in the light of the dawn.
The day you stand first time on your own feet.
This day you gain your dignity.
Come to me, in the light of the dawn, Come to me, in the light of the dawn.
The day you say your name the first time.
This day you will become a person.
Call me, in the light of the dawn, Call me, in the light of the dawn.
The day you gain conscience,
This day you can believe in me.
Follow me, in the light of the dawn, Follow me, in the light of the dawn!
Art Concept and Commentary
This song is about the most important stages in the development of every human being.
First of all, it's about when someone's own heart begins to beat independently. So it's all about the fact that the unborn has become to a degree something of its own. The organism can feel with the world by itself. An emotional connection (even if at a very basic level) is hence possible.
Over the course of the months, the child's (symbolic) heart adjusts to a certain calendar. In other words, not every day is the same. A rhythm based on the days differentiates the course of the year. This process runs through large parts of the pregnancy and continues for some time after the birth, usually until the pineal gland has matured.
Hence, a certain religious belonging is imbued into the brains of the youngest already at an early stage. Timely coherences are crucial!
After the birth of the child, it is a matter of it being able to stand on its own two feet. This is the time when a human gains their dignity.
Once having dignity it is a matter of being allowed and becoming able to live one's conscious heart. Dignity is the feeling in which the person's existence is anchored and is directly connected to the constitution of the worldview / the conscious heart.
The prerequisite for this is that a certain level of consciousness has set in. The child must be capable of sufficient thinking and recognizing and grasping at least one symbol adequately.
The conscious heart of man begins with a highly universal truth that can be represented by a single symbol. It must be in harmony with the aforementioned rhythm/calendar according to which the child already orients itself.
Dignity is ultimately very much related to personal destiny.
With the acquisition of language, when the child pronounces its name for the first time on its own initiative, it becomes a person.
A person is a feeling being, with a name, and at least a basic worldview. A person is a being that has at least a minimum of understanding of themselves in relation to the world. They are a being with a consciousness and hence a sufficient symbol set and a minimum of language.
At almost the same time, the child also gains conscience so that belief is possible and the child can systematically follow others.
This marks the beginning of the "systematic" development of a worldview.
This usually happens at the age of 2 years.
The next fourteen years are then about bringing the worldview to maturity.
It needs a lot of protection, warmth, light, love and attention during this time.
A "worldview" is a peculiarity of Homo Sapiens. It is the highest knowledge of a person about their assumptions about good and evil, according to which they align their moral compass.
In this context, "worldview" is a very social phenomenon that emerges in a larger group dynamic, and no one schema fits all participants equally. Having a good and highly developed worldview requires constant mental effort and activity. It is a matter of thorough contention with oneself and in relation to the world, using language.
If a person has acquired a high-quality worldview in a particular environment, it is not guaranteed that they will be able to maintain that status. Someone with a better understanding of the world's interconnections could take over the leadership role at any time.
The "worldview" is not a private matter. People with a developed worldview have very active brains!
A worldview is normally bound to a mother tongue. A higher level language (e.g., English or German) allows a person better to grasp and understand complex, larger social dynamics that most others would otherwise not be aware of.
At the end of puberty, a girl can potentially be a mother for the first time and a boy a father.
During puberty, sexuality becomes more important to the child, and they become more focused on being and becoming a (potential) father or a mother.
They tend to develop a more general concept of kinship at this age.
To become a "good" father or mother, one should be strengthened and supported by their religious organization "and" the (secular) state.
A boy who has completed puberty can successfully lead a larger organization with at least two members for the first time.
A good father is a man who is competent and qualified enough to lead to greater love.
A good mother is a woman who is competent and qualified enough, through love, to adequately assist a child from the earliest age and enable the child to successfully thrive so that it passes and completes puberty well. As a rule, this must be done in such a way that the child's dignity is preserved. Its heart must not be suppressed or forced in any way.
Being a mother means to mediate well between two patriarchal networks (her husband's and her father's) for the benefit of the child.
If she does not mediate properly and shows favoritism toward one party/patriarchal network, usually, the child who is oriented toward the disfavored patriarchs is harmed in his (personal) development. In the event that the disapproved patriarchal network to which the aggrieved child belongs has sufficient influence and a certain importance in a surrounding society, sooner or later, the offending mother will be punished.
It sometimes happens that a mother who got divorced considers her task fulfilled after the child has gone through puberty. If the mother then stops loving the child because she wants to devote her attention and love to a new man and partner, the child usually turns against this new life partner of hers, convinced that he is to blame for the loss of the mother's love.
It can also happen that the child turns very much against his/her mother.
Interestingly, a man only becomes free from the influence of his biological father and maternal grandfather when he has found love and started his own family with this woman, which usually includes fathering a child. The situation is similar for women with regard to their dependence on their maternal grandfather. By church fathers taking the place of the (often deceased) fathers of a childless man, there is the possibility for the church to bring him completely under control, so that he must submit completely to the will and truths of a people, namely that of the church. It can be similar for a woman. These connections also play an important role in whether someone chooses to live in a monastery or a religious order (from a certain age). It therefore plays a major role whether someone is integrated into two sufficiently different patriarchal networks. A man connected by love to a woman, so that the love is permanent, in the context of his new family and his child, is connected to the patriarchal network of his father-in-law.
A person's existence/life is like a tree. As soon as the seed germinates in the earth and takes root, dignity is gained. As soon as the plant has sprouted to the point where it sees the light (of day) (a certain degree of photosynthesis is possible), the conscious heart or the constitution of the worldview is formed. Then the "person" and their worldview develop. After completion of puberty, the tree has reached a certain size and maturity so that it stands firmly and can bear fruit.